March 1, 2019

Healthcare industry sales and marketing teams in the EU have little time to capture the attention of the prescribers and customers who use their products. They have to make rapid decisions about their marketing and sales efforts. But without clear data about the impact those decisions have on prescriptions, they’ve had to rely on instinct and personal experience to customize their approach. At the same time, the healthcare industry is becoming more competitive and dynamic. Teams need access to deeper market insights to craft data driven strategies and implement their efforts with speed and precision.



With over 5,200 people, and annual revenues of over $1.2 billion, Datacom is one of Australasia’s largest professional IT services companies. Datacom has extensive expertise in the operation of contact centres, data centres, the provision of IT services, software engineering and application management, as well as payroll and customer service design and operations. Founded in 1965 and operating across Australia and New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the Americas, Datacom has a successful trading history of consistent growth and profitability from a track record of delivering innovative, cost effective digital and technology solutions. Datacom is committed to hiring, developing and promoting diverse talent.

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Decoding the 7 traits of companies achieving success with AI

whitePaper | January 18, 2020

As organizations adopt digital transformation strategies to prepare for the future, a core idea for how to accelerate that transformation is the adoption of AI. While most organizations fundamentally believe in the promise of AI, they are still only just beginning to use it. Only 1 in 5.5 organizations are deeply committed to AI, while more than half are experimenting or beginning to see it around their organization.

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Implementation Challenges to Three Pillars of America’s AI Strategy

whitePaper | December 23, 2022

The transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is a kind of truism. Seeking to capture the benefits of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” or “third wave of the digital revolution,” countries are prioritizing efforts to reorganize their public and private sectors, fund research and development (R&D), and establish structures and policies that unleash AI innovation.

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AI in Retail Marketing

whitePaper | August 18, 2021

Among retail marketers, a reliance on traditional business intelligence tools has left the intuitive decision-making in the hands of the marketing team. Download this guide to learn how to solve this AI dilemma.

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AI in Planning: Opportunities and Challenges and How to Prepare

whitePaper | September 28, 2022

As stated in the American Planning Association’s 2022 Trend Report for Planners, over centuries, professions have evolved with changing environments, shifting eras, new challenges, societal shifts, and technological innovations. While some professions have become obsolete or or were replaced by technology, others have adapted or readjusted and stayed relevant in an ever-changing world. What is different today is the pace of change, which requires faster, even proactive, adjustments—including new tools, processes, and skills.

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Upcoming European AI Regulation: What to expect & how to prepare

whitePaper | July 20, 2022

In recent years, the use of AI in organisations has drastically increased. As a result, lawmakers around the world have been paying close attention to the developments in the field of AI too. While there is no comprehensive legal body in Switzerland and the EU that regulates the use of AI today, there are clear signs that Swiss and European organisations should prepare for stricter regulation.

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Optimize Microsoft SQL Server Workloads with NetApp Solutions

whitePaper | July 31, 2020

IT organizations face constant change. There’s the overarching transition to cloud, which raises questions about what workloads to move when. And there are application-level transitions imposed by vendors when they end support for older versions of software, forcing companies to upgrade. Microsoft SQL Server is swept up in both of these transitions. Organizations rely on SQL Server for everything from ERP to analytics, and thousands of them are running the 2008 or older versions that are now end of support.

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With over 5,200 people, and annual revenues of over $1.2 billion, Datacom is one of Australasia’s largest professional IT services companies. Datacom has extensive expertise in the operation of contact centres, data centres, the provision of IT services, software engineering and application management, as well as payroll and customer service design and operations. Founded in 1965 and operating across Australia and New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the Americas, Datacom has a successful trading history of consistent growth and profitability from a track record of delivering innovative, cost effective digital and technology solutions. Datacom is committed to hiring, developing and promoting diverse talent.
