January 24, 2018

Speculative execution is a basic principle of all modern processor designs and is critical to support high performance hardware. Recently, researchers have discussed techniques to exploit the speculative behavior of x86 processors and other processors to leak information to unauthorized code* . This paper describes software options to manage speculative execution on AMD processors** to mitigate the risk of information leakage. Some of these options require a microcode patch that exposes new features to software.


Sevatec, Inc.

Sevatec, a National Security firm specializing in Agile and DevOps, data sciences, cyber engineering, and cloud solutions, leverages our deep domain of knowledge and technology experience to solve the federal government's most pressing business and technical challenges.

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Conversational AI with

whitePaper | February 16, 2023

This technical white paper discusses the market trends, use cases, and benefits of Conversational AI. It describes a solution and validated reference architecture for Conversational AI with the Experience Optimization Platform on Dell infrastructure.

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insideBIGDATA Guide to Optimized Storage for AI and Deep Learning Workloads

whitePaper | June 24, 2022

This new technology guide from DDN shows how optimized storage has a unique opportunity to become much more than a siloed repository for the deluge of data constantly generated in today’s hyper-connected world, but rather a platform that shares and delivers data to create competitive business value. The intended audience for this important new technology guide includes enterprise thought leaders (CIOs, director level IT, etc.), along with data scientists and data engineers who are a seeking guidance in terms of infrastructure for AI and DL in terms of specialized hardware. The emphasis of the guide is “real world” applications, workloads, and present day challenges.

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Cloud Infrastructures –Last Call for Boarding

whitePaper | July 16, 2020

Is cloud computing becoming the norm? As part of the digital offensives by many companies, cloud infrastructures are fast becoming a crucial technology driver and success factor for innovative business models and digital products. The growing interest in the Internet of Things and machine learning sent the adoption rate of the cloud soaring at numerous companies. Now, it is a question of “how” rather than “whether” cloud services can be used successfully at German companies.

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Towards the engineering of trustworthy AI applications for critical systems

whitePaper | October 26, 2022

An accident that will leave its mark. Yesterday morning, Mrs. D., an employee of the Pharma4.0 factory in Valenciennes, had her right wrist broken by an InCobot handling robot during an ordinary operation that until now had never caused any problems. In this factory, the operation called “pick and place” of cough syrup bottles is performed jointly by human operators and robotic arms in the same work area, and this on many stations.

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Green Mechanical

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

Since its inception in 1983, Green Mechanical has grown from 1 to 3 offices, taking on larger, more complex projects. However, success came with its own unique challenges. With employees spread across multiple cities and states, Green Mechanical built custom workflows for various systems to ensure collaborators had access to the information they needed. That meant employees had to keep track of multiple remote logins to complete simple tasks like printing job cost reports. Additionally, some employees used digital processes, while others used pen-and-paper. As a result, teams were often working off outdated information.

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Best Practices for Secure Access of Third Party APIs from Mobile Apps

whitePaper | September 28, 2022

Mobile apps typically communicate with several backend services over the Internet. In some cases those services may have been developed specifically for that mobile app, but in most cases the app will be dependent on services developed by a 3rd party. This whitepaper discusses how communication with those services can be properly secured, and how Approov’s new runtime secrets protection feature enables significantly enhanced security to be added with a minimum of development effort.

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Sevatec, Inc.

Sevatec, a National Security firm specializing in Agile and DevOps, data sciences, cyber engineering, and cloud solutions, leverages our deep domain of knowledge and technology experience to solve the federal government's most pressing business and technical challenges.
