Software, Future Tech

Software Development Trends to Look Out for in 2022

October 6, 2022

Software Development Trends to Look Out for in 2022
It is not unusual to see software development trends change year after year. The pandemic has only accelerated the whole process, and it seems that the trends are changing even faster. What was once considered as acceptable practice in software development might no longer be the case in the foreseeable future. This is why startup founders and big corporation managers should be aware and well-informed of where all the software industry trends are heading to and how to strategize in the best possible app to develop and place an app.


Right Networks

Right Networks is the partner you can trust to get your accounting-based desktop and legacy applications into the cloud. Right Networks helps your CPA firm or small business increase efficiency and productivity by cutting costs and giving you anywhere, anytime access to your financial data.

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MongoDB and IBM zSystems

whitePaper | May 25, 2022

Modernization of data and applications on the mainframe is a necessary priority for modern organizations. Building a MongoDB Operational Data Layer (ODL) is a pattern widely used to make critical mainframe data available for modern mobile and web applications.

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A guide to developing modern mobile applications

whitePaper | June 3, 2022

A key ingredient of eBusiness is the ability to offer customers the very best user experience, irrespective of whether they use a web browser, a mobile browser or a mobile app. In this guide, we explore the challenges organisations face in managing the numerous ways customers can transact with businesses

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AI-driven Personalizationin Digital MediaPolitical and Societal Implications

whitePaper | December 6, 2019

Machine learning (ML)-driven personalization is fast expanding from social media to the wider information space, encompassing legacy media, multinational conglomerates and digital-native publishers: however, this is happening within a regulatory and oversight vacuum that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Mass-scale adoption of personalization in communication has serious implications for human rights, societal resilience and political security. Data protection, privacy and wrongful discrimination, as well as freedom of opinion and of expression, are some of the areas impacted by this technological transformation.

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How Financial Institutions Can Overcome 3 Obstacles to Innovation

whitePaper | August 10, 2020

Digital innovation is happening fast — and there’s no slowing it down. Financial institutions are shifting priorities as third-party apps and services become more prevalent among consumers. Now, staying connected is no longer just an option, it’s critical to achieving success and staying relevant. | 1 But moving fast isn’t as easy as it sounds. There’s a fine line that financial institutions have to balance when it comes to innovating quickly to give their customers the experiences they’ve come to expect and ensuring their data remains safe and secure. As data sharing and connected integration ecosystems become the new norm, here are three challenges many financial institutions are facing.

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Into the era of secure remote work

whitePaper | April 14, 2021

While the new era of remote work has provided some businesses with surprising productivity boosts as high as 13%, many are still struggling to secure their suddenly expanded network of remote endpoints and IT resources against a growing onslaught of cyberthreats.

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AI in Retail Marketing

whitePaper | August 18, 2021

Among retail marketers, a reliance on traditional business intelligence tools has left the intuitive decision-making in the hands of the marketing team. Download this guide to learn how to solve this AI dilemma.

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Right Networks

Right Networks is the partner you can trust to get your accounting-based desktop and legacy applications into the cloud. Right Networks helps your CPA firm or small business increase efficiency and productivity by cutting costs and giving you anywhere, anytime access to your financial data.
