Simplifying and Saving on VDI Deployments Through Hyperconvergence

Given the speed at which business must operate to be competitive, IT organizations are facing increasing challenges to work faster, smarter, and more efficiently in every aspect of their operation. The business needs IT to be more responsive when it comes to arming employees with the tools and applications they need to be successful, spinning up new applications or rolling out upgrades; more resilient to keep critical-business processes up and running 24 x 7 x 365; and of course, more cost-efficient to ensure the company can meet its obligations to investors and continue to invest for growth and competitive advantage.



"Xoriant Corporation is a software product engineering and services company, serving large enterprise software companies as well as mature technology start-ups. We offer a flexible blend of onsite, offsite and offshore services from our seven global delivery centers with over 1500 software professionals. Xoriant has deep client relationships spanning over 25 years with various clients ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies. Xoriant's Product Development and Engineering service line offers a full life cycle software development and engineering services to independent software vendors, systems companies and companies offering enterprise, cloud, web, social networking, media and mobile applications. Our services span product development, testing, technical support, implementation and sustaining engineering."

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Mitigating AI/ML Bias in Context: Establishing Practices for Testing, Evaluation, Verification, and Validation of AI Systems

whitePaper | August 31, 2022

Artificial intelligence and machine learning analyses are driving critical decisions impacting our lives and the economic structure of our society. These complex analytical techniques—powered by sophisticated math, computational power, and often vast amounts of data—are deployed in a variety of critical applications, from making healthcare decisions to evaluating job applications to informing parole and probation decisions to determining eligibility and pricing for insurance and other financial services.

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Bringing Job Costing to the Field

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

In construction, we are often designing and constructing made-to-order assets, so there is immediately less certainty. We may be dealing with multiple projects for different people, with different schedules, and run by different project managers. Each will be in a different location, with different site footprints, different ground conditions, different access routes, etc. And, partly influenced by their locations, we are often dealing with different suppliers we might select local designers, subcontractors, plant, materials, and product suppliers based on their proximity to the site.

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How End-to-End Testing is Evolving

whitePaper | May 31, 2022

End-to-End (E2E) testing has traditionally been seen as a ‘final frontier’ of sorts in software development.

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Unleash data and AI forcompetitive advantageReady your data for AIand multicloud

whitePaper | January 10, 2020

Instead of following a set of rote, preprogrammed instructions, AI enables machines to learn, and then “act,” on information. Your voice-activated phone, technologies such as speech and image recognition, autonomous vehicles, the smart devices in your home—all of these advances were made possible by AI technology. AI also marks a fundamental advancement in critical, often time-consuming, business processes. It’s poised to dramatically enhance human decision-making and improve an organization’s ability to make predictions, automate business practices, and optimize logistics.

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Osterman Research - Improve Performance of Microsoft Office 365

whitePaper | July 31, 2020

Microsoft 365 provides organizations with a range of efficient, new-style productivity and collaboration tools that are widely embraced across the world. However, Microsoft 365 comes with some shortcomings in certain key areas, such as security, auditing, archiving, backup and recovery, data protection, and more. Relying solely on the native capabilities in Microsoft 365 can lead to challenges, such as missed security threats and the inability to recover accidentally deleted data – all of which can be costly.

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Intel® FPGAs and SoCs with Intel® FPGA AI Suite and OpenVINO Toolkit Drive Embedded/Edge AI/Machine Learning Applications

whitePaper | September 28, 2022

As the speed of enterprise operations surge and expectations for quick responses rise, decision making increasingly migrates from data centers to the network’s edge. Whether it’s on the shop floor, where busy production lines must not stand idle, a doctor in a surgical suite waiting for answers, a fire crew needing orders to fight a frantically advancing wildfire, scientists looking for insights that will help a recovering coral reef, or a retail environment where impatient customers wait for help in making a purchase, enterprises must configure their systems to collect information, to develop actionable insights, and to provide decisions or answers in real time.

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"Xoriant Corporation is a software product engineering and services company, serving large enterprise software companies as well as mature technology start-ups. We offer a flexible blend of onsite, offsite and offshore services from our seven global delivery centers with over 1500 software professionals. Xoriant has deep client relationships spanning over 25 years with various clients ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies. Xoriant's Product Development and Engineering service line offers a full life cycle software development and engineering services to independent software vendors, systems companies and companies offering enterprise, cloud, web, social networking, media and mobile applications. Our services span product development, testing, technical support, implementation and sustaining engineering."
