Recent advancements in AI – implications for medical device technology and certification

June 26, 2019

Clearly, a system whose behaviour is impossible to guarantee seems unsatisfactory from a safety or regulatory perspective. To appreciate why components that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically, machine learning, might even be considered, it is helpful to gain a little bit of insight into how modern AI systems are being built, and why they are changing the way in which complex software systems are being engineered. The purpose of this white paper is to provide a very brief overview of where AI is being used in healthcare, and why it might be increasingly seen in medical devices. We also consider what specific additional requirements this might place on regulatory requirements in the near future.



Ntirety, a division of HOSTING, is a 100% U.S. based database company focused on providing world class Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL Database expertise. Originally founded as a database services company, Ntirety was created to ease the burden of database administration and maintenance on beleaguered IT departments.

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Applying Artificial Intelligence to Built Environments through Machine Learning

whitePaper | January 5, 2020

Machine learning (ML) is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from exposure to more data without being explicitly programmed. ML focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.1 While AI represents the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in an intelligent way, machine learning is a current application of AI based on the idea that we can give machines access to data, and they can use that data to learn for themselves.

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AI-driven Personalizationin Digital MediaPolitical and Societal Implications

whitePaper | December 6, 2019

Machine learning (ML)-driven personalization is fast expanding from social media to the wider information space, encompassing legacy media, multinational conglomerates and digital-native publishers: however, this is happening within a regulatory and oversight vacuum that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Mass-scale adoption of personalization in communication has serious implications for human rights, societal resilience and political security. Data protection, privacy and wrongful discrimination, as well as freedom of opinion and of expression, are some of the areas impacted by this technological transformation.

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How End-to-End Testing is Evolving

whitePaper | May 31, 2022

End-to-End (E2E) testing has traditionally been seen as a ‘final frontier’ of sorts in software development.

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Software Development Trends to Look Out for in 2022

whitePaper | October 6, 2022

It is not unusual to see software development trends change year after year. The pandemic has only accelerated the whole process, and it seems that the trends are changing even faster. What was once considered as acceptable practice in software development might no longer be the case in the foreseeable future. This is why startup founders and big corporation managers should be aware and well-informed of where all the software industry trends are heading to and how to strategize in the best possible app to develop and place an app.

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Accelerate Digital Transformation with Low-Code/No-Code Automation

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

The first-generation low-code platforms required considerable adaptations and months of development in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Gartner expects that by 2024, low-code/no-code automation will account for 65% of all app development.

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Recommendations on Updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan

whitePaper | March 30, 2022

The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) offers the following submission for consideration in response to the Request for Information(RFI) by the White House Office of Science and Technology to the Update of the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan.

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Ntirety, a division of HOSTING, is a 100% U.S. based database company focused on providing world class Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL Database expertise. Originally founded as a database services company, Ntirety was created to ease the burden of database administration and maintenance on beleaguered IT departments.
