Optimize Microsoft SQL Server Workloads with NetApp Solutions

July 31, 2020

IT organizations face constant change. There’s the overarching transition to cloud, which raises questions about what workloads to move when. And there are application-level transitions imposed by vendors when they end support for older versions of software, forcing companies to upgrade. Microsoft SQL Server is swept up in both of these transitions. Organizations rely on SQL Server for everything from ERP to analytics, and thousands of them are running the 2008 or older versions that are now end of support.


White Glove Technologies

White Glove Technologies, now part of mindSHIFT Technologies, is a trusted technology advisor and leading provider of managed services for small and mid-sized organizations.

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Making AI Inclusive: 4 Guiding Principles for Ethical Engagement

whitePaper | July 20, 2022

The growing diversity of actors and circumstances involved in AI/ML deployment makes establishing a set of ethical participatory practices especially difficult for this field. Even among practitioners working at the same organization, there can be substantial differences in both their knowledge about how AI/ML systems were created or will be used and their ability to incorporate inclusive practices. Additionally, the greater availability of AI development platforms, including “no-code” platforms, means that algorithmic models can be deployed without having deep expertise, expanding the number of circumstances automated systems are deployed in. This means many more instances where automated systems are being deployed without consideration of how the algorithms were developed, the provenance of the datasets and nature of the bias on which they were trained and tested, and the ethical implications of their development and deployment.

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Unleash data and AI forcompetitive advantageReady your data for AIand multicloud

whitePaper | January 10, 2020

Instead of following a set of rote, preprogrammed instructions, AI enables machines to learn, and then “act,” on information. Your voice-activated phone, technologies such as speech and image recognition, autonomous vehicles, the smart devices in your home—all of these advances were made possible by AI technology. AI also marks a fundamental advancement in critical, often time-consuming, business processes. It’s poised to dramatically enhance human decision-making and improve an organization’s ability to make predictions, automate business practices, and optimize logistics.

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AI Ethics

whitePaper | November 24, 2022

High-profile examples of harm associated with algorithm failure and misuse have garnered significant public concern (e.g. manipulation of the democratic process, discriminatory practice in criminal justice sentencing, and bias against racial and gender categories in the labour market). The field of AI ethics refers to the literature and to the community of people interested in this space. One high-profile manifestation of this is the formation of specialist ethics councils and teams to deliberate on conundrums regarding the use, access and openness of platforms and technologies (such as social media and messaging apps, etc.). For instance, the banning of particular public figures as well as lay users for use of the services in a manner that is not acceptable has been a constant theme in the public debate.

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Embedding Generative AI and Advanced Search into your apps with MongoDB Atlas

whitePaper | July 5, 2023

Never before has the launch of a new technology so rapidly fired the imagination of enterprises and consumers alike. The arrival of ChatGPT in November 2022 showcased the potential of Generative AI powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) in addressing a vast array of new use cases. These use cases were previously unimaginable with conventional computing and analytical AI (now sometimes described as “traditional” or “classic” AI).

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The Future of IT Service Management With AI

whitePaper | June 13, 2022

As businesses move beyond rigid rules and strictly linear processes in IT service management, there’s a world of opportunity for artificial intelligence-powered automation in both proactive and reactive service delivery. We discuss what that smart tech-driven world can look like and how you can get there.

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Break Free From the Iron Triangle

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

The Iron Triangle or, as it is more commonly known, the project management triangle has influenced project teams for years. Summed up as “fast, good, or cheap.pick two,” the concept asserts that there are firm boundaries on what is possible to produce. The triangle metaphor implies there is no way to provide goods or services that are simultaneously on budget, on time, and of high quality because of the competing nature of these priorities.

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White Glove Technologies

White Glove Technologies, now part of mindSHIFT Technologies, is a trusted technology advisor and leading provider of managed services for small and mid-sized organizations.
