Innovation, Software, Future Tech

Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world

December 22, 2022

Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world
Machine learning, one of the key building blocks of AI, has been a part of the technological world since the 1950s, when the earliest programmers asked computers to make sense of large sets of data. Programmers have increasingly refined the ability of machines to study data in order to detect patterns that allow computers to then organise information, identify relationships, make predictions and detect anomalies. Today, modern applications of AI have already given us self-driving cars and virtual assistants and have helped us detect fraud and manage resources like electricity more efficiently. Sectors as diverse as retail, sports, banking, manufacturing and healthcare have all found applications for machine learning and AI.


NWN Corporation

NWN helps customers solve business problems through technology. NWN offers a broad range of innovative and cost-effective software and technology solutions and services, from business intelligence and custom application development to technology infrastructure, monitoring and support services. We help customers choose the IT solutions that make the most sense for their business. We work with private sector businesses across many industries as well as state, local, and educational organizations in the public sector.

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The use of Artificial Intelligence to Combat Public Sector Fraud

whitePaper | February 21, 2020

The information contained in the International Public Sector Fraud Forum documentation and training is subject to Crown Copyright 2020. The information should not be published or distributed in any way that could undermine the values and aims of the International Public Sector Fraud Forum. This content consists of material which has been developed and approved by the International Public Sector Fraud Forum.

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learningin Public Safety

whitePaper | December 15, 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI), and specifically Machine Learning (ML), are being tested in an increasing number of fields, including data-centric environments. Image or text analysis, speech recognition, chatbot interactions, custom machine learning models… all these are elements that could enable the AI journey of a public safety and security organisation. This document dives into different aspects of integrating AI & ML in Public Safety activities, at different levels and in different domains of activity. It presents ethical and regulatory considerations, real examples from Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and Emergency Response Organisations (EROs), and also initiatives that can benefit the public sector greatly, with a series of recommendations at the end.

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Artificial Intelligence in the corporate world

whitePaper | November 25, 2019

In 2020, artificial intelligence will no longer be a vision of the future, but a tangible reality: language agents such as Siri, Cortana or Alexa are already pervading our everyday lives. The smart assistants play our favorite music, make restaurant suggestions, recommend films, identify the fastest route to our destination and steer our car better into the parking lot than we could. We use artificially intelligent systems that are becoming more and more a matter of course both at home and at work. AI systems have slipped into our everyday lives and they are here to stay.

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Powering Contact Center Transformation by using Intel AI

whitePaper | September 23, 2022

According to the research published by Microsoft3 on Global Customer Service, 58% of customers feel the importance of Customer Experience (CX), and 61% stopped doing business with a brand due to poor CX and go for different brands.

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Enterprise Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

whitePaper | September 19, 2022

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) traces back to the 1950s. More recently, the increased availability of both data and computing power has bolstered rapid adoption of AI and machine learning (ML) solutions (collectively, AI/ML)

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Low-Code Analysis

whitePaper | December 22, 2022

This study is promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and NTT DATA in the framework of the Barcelona Digital Talent alliance. Mobile World Capital Barcelona is an initiative driving the digital advancement of society while helping improve people’s lives globally.

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NWN Corporation

NWN helps customers solve business problems through technology. NWN offers a broad range of innovative and cost-effective software and technology solutions and services, from business intelligence and custom application development to technology infrastructure, monitoring and support services. We help customers choose the IT solutions that make the most sense for their business. We work with private sector businesses across many industries as well as state, local, and educational organizations in the public sector.
