Applying Artificial Intelligence to Built Environments through Machine Learning

January 5, 2020

Machine learning (ML) is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from exposure to more data without being explicitly programmed. ML focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.1 While AI represents the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in an intelligent way, machine learning is a current application of AI based on the idea that we can give machines access to data, and they can use that data to learn for themselves.


Zenith Software LTD

"Zenith Software offers comprehensive IT services such as System Integration, IT Consulting, Infrastructure Management Services, Testing, Data Management, SMAC Services, BPO Services, Content Development & Portal Management and Staffing. The Zenith software is headquartered in Bengaluru, India with over 20 offices across India, Australia, USA and UK and over 150 customers in more than 15 countries."

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Software Development Trends to Look Out for in 2022

whitePaper | October 6, 2022

It is not unusual to see software development trends change year after year. The pandemic has only accelerated the whole process, and it seems that the trends are changing even faster. What was once considered as acceptable practice in software development might no longer be the case in the foreseeable future. This is why startup founders and big corporation managers should be aware and well-informed of where all the software industry trends are heading to and how to strategize in the best possible app to develop and place an app.

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Deepwave Digital Creates an AI Enabled GPUReceiver for a Critical 5G Sensor

whitePaper | February 11, 2020

Deepwave Digital has leveraged the Artificial Intelligence Radio Transceiver (AIR-T) to create the first deep learning sensor for a 5G network. This network, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), will be the first spectrum sharing service provided by the telecommunications industry that leverages real time RF sensing. Critical to the operation of CBRS is the ability to determine if priority users are active on specific frequency channels. When no priority users are present, the spectrum may be reallocated for commercial networks to provide new enterprise services or additional bandwidth to existing services.

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Trustworthy Use of Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Regulatory Perspectives from Asia Pacific

whitePaper | October 20, 2022

The digital evolution of the financial services (FS) industry is heavily reliant on having quality information and analytics to deliver services to customers and manage operations in an efficient and risk-appropriate manner.

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The AI Behind Vectra AI

whitePaper | December 14, 2022

Data science is Vectra AI’s north star. We have always believed that data science and AI, if used properly, can transform our fight against cyberattacks and give an edge to defenders. However, not all AI is the same.

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How End-to-End Testing is Evolving

whitePaper | May 31, 2022

End-to-End (E2E) testing has traditionally been seen as a ‘final frontier’ of sorts in software development.

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A Blueprint for Equity and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence

whitePaper | June 28, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been accelerating across sectors. It has great potential to benefit society but the technology’s full potential can only be realized if it includes the diversity of the populations it represents throughout every step of its development. With growing concerns about bias, data privacy and lack of representation, it is critical to re-evaluate the way in which AI is both designed and deployed to ensure that all affected stakeholders and communities reap the benefits of the technology, rather than any harm.

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Zenith Software LTD

"Zenith Software offers comprehensive IT services such as System Integration, IT Consulting, Infrastructure Management Services, Testing, Data Management, SMAC Services, BPO Services, Content Development & Portal Management and Staffing. The Zenith software is headquartered in Bengaluru, India with over 20 offices across India, Australia, USA and UK and over 150 customers in more than 15 countries."
