Using AI to Transform Support Operations

A recent Forrester Research report showed that over 40% of business and tech professionals surveyed are interested in AI for Customer Support. And, according to the Service Council, 50% of service organizations are facing significant talent shortages that are negatively affecting their business, with another 38% expecting issues soon. The need to always improve the customer support experience coupled with the loss of skilled employees to retirement is creating a “Know-How” gap that is difficult to replace.
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The Future of Digital Advertising: AI & Advertising


The next big leap in Digital Advertising will make every brand message interactive and personalized. By focusing and targeting individual users based on that specific individual’s interests will increase consumer conversions exponentially. Using diverse elements, AI will flawlessly assemble the right creative approach for the right person, at the right time – and in real time- based on data and the behavioral profile of the individual consumer.
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Getting Real About AI, Data Science and Machine Learning: Gartner Talks


So many questions still surround artificial intelligence (AI), data science and machine learning. Yet, the questions are getting far less theoretical as more organizations look to take advantage of these technologies now. Organizations are asking more about how they can apply these technologies, how long it will take to gain the benefits, and how to train staff -- or if they need to hire new staff.
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AI Opportunities for Financial Services Companies


AI is undeniably a hot topic right now, and financial services companies are not immune to the hype. And in truth, they shouldn’t be: the applications of advanced AI within financial services are numerous, and the potential for cost savings and new value generation is high.
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Building a scalable ML model serving API with Ray Serve

Ray Serve is a framework-agnostic and Python-first model serving library built on Ray. In this introductory webinar on Ray Serve, we will highlight how Ray Serve makes it easy to deploy, operate and scale a machine learning API.
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