Splunk and Avi Networks - Enhanced Log Analytics with Application Insights

Analytics and data are at the root of better decision-making and automation. Today's agile application environments require IT to troubleshoot issues fast and automate common application delivery tasks. Splunk helps enterprises all over the world make better decisions with their machine data. Avi Networks delivers an analytics-driven platform for highly-automatable application networking services.
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DNS Series Part 2: Monitoring for DNS Security


DNS is a critical piece of the Internet infrastructure — a service is effectively down if users can't access its DNS records. We'll discuss the many ways in which attackers can tamper with DNS servers and records, and the measures you can take to prevent this. We'll also explore data from a variety of DNS events so you can recognize them should they ever happen to you.
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Top 3 2019 Predictions for AI in Healthcare

AI Trends

The next five years in healthcare will continue to focus on the adoption of disruptive and innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, which will drive digital transformation forward at a rapid pace. While AI has experienced over-hyped promised and the health industry has taken a cautious approach to the use of AI technologies, progress is genuinely being made today. This webinar will highlight 3 AI predictions from IDC Health Insights’ Top 10 predictions for 2019 and identify relevant AI use cases for digital transformation..
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3 Trends for Modernizing Analytics and Data Warehousing in 2019

Arcadia Data

Brand new research published from Dresner Advisory Services digs deeply into the trends in 2018 around big data analytics. Where are organizations heading in 2019? How are analytic and data warehouse architectures evolving to enable faster and deeper self-service analytics and BI for organizations looking to create a competitive edge? How is public, private and hybrid clouds factoring into deployment decisions? What are the hottest open source projects from Apache Spark to Kudu, Kafka, Hadoop, and beyond? Join industry leaders from Dresner Advisory Services, Arcadia Data, and Cloudera as they preview findings from the upcoming 2018 Big Data Analytics research report of over 750 survey respondents in the data and analytics industry.
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Enhancing Fraud Detection with Automated Machine Learning and Streaming Analytics

Building predictive applications allow companies to respond to new threats and take advantage of developing opportunities. But executing these new applications against high-volume event streams with sub-second latency requires a powerful combination of machine learning and streaming analytics. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to create and evaluate new machine learning models with DataRobot and deploy them within the SQLstream Blaze streaming analytics engine – so that you can identify risk in real-time and prevent fraud as it happens – rather than after the fact.
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