Intelligent Medical Device Software for Optimum Design Control

Device complexity, and increasing medical device software requirements, are driving dramatic hikes in the number of product recalls, audit failures, and delays in product introduction. This, in turn, is driving an increase in the cost of medical device design and manufacturing.
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According to Verizon’s 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report, phishing attacks are at the start of over 90% of data breaches and financial losses. Today's phishing attacks employ short-lived sites, most lasting just 4-8 hours. And attack vectors are expanding beyond email to social media, IM, ads, pop-ups, rogue browser extensions, and more. New attack methods exploit the human attack surface within targeted organizations and evade existing security defenses by design.
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tapQA Presents: AI & Automation

The promise of AI / ML and the impacts they will have on our Software Testing industry are enticing. Along with maturing your CI/CI Pipelines with either AI or more integrated automation. What’s particularly exciting is how AI technology will enhance, not replace, the roles of QA professionals. And that Continuous Integration Automation is becoming more common place within most automation efforts.
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Reducing the Risk of Phishing Attacks

Aberdeen Group

In this webinar, Aberdeen’s Derek Brink reveals the concrete risks to your business posed by phishing attacks. He will also describe the strategies the Best-in-Class use to reduce and manage these risks.
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MRI + Procore Integration


Is the MRI integration too good to be true? Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. Join us for this deep-dive into the MRI + Procore integration to get a full understanding of how this partnership could benefit your business, then see the product for yourself in a live demo. See how this integration: Enhances the benefits of best-in-class systems Creates one ecosystem for all of your project cost data Provides teams with technology that is purpose-built for them
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