Improving patient outcomes with big data and AI

From genomics to electronic health records, massive datasets are enabling data-driven insights and ushering in a new era of precision medicine. Yet, healthcare organizations looking to unleash the power of big data and AI face many challenges, including how to: Securely manage and merge rapidly growing sets of siloed healthcare data.
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Accelerate your machine learning and forecasting capability


Building one machine learning model is easy but data scientists are now having to deal with vast amounts of more data, and consider tens of machine learning algorithms in their bid to build their best model. Add this to the demand that organisations need more and more models to deliver accurate predictions - data scientists are under pressure to accelerate their model building capability.
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Is the AI revolution empowering the scientist?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) continues to develop how we discover and overcome challenges in drug discovery and suggests a promise to transform the path to clinic. These functionalities have the capability to expedite timelines, explore areas of drug space not previously attainable, and in turn, have the potential to reduce costs of progressing a drug through early discovery. Has this idea delivered on its hype? Join us to hear perspectives from AI thought leaders and drug hunters on how AI is actually delivering, and its potential to transform the way we navigate drug discovery.
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Where is Conversational AI Going?

Conversational AI promises to solve the integration of people and systems. Is it even possible to do this? Listen in to the experts at Krista discuss how chatbots and collaboration tools are merging to help create intelligent automation and integrating your people and systems. We’ll talk about how we get to a state where people and systems can easily get things done no matter where they are connected.
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How AI is Changing the Dynamics of Fintech: Latest Tech Trends to Watch

From AI and ML models in fintech for underwriting to tech playing a role in collections and repayments, these disruptive developments in the fintech industry have resulted in a hiring surge for skilled professionals. How have new technologies impacted operations of fintech? How will this affect the fintech job market? What skillsets are in demand? The answers to these questions are vital to aspiring entrants to the financial services industry and to professionals in the industry who need to stay relevant over the long haul.
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