Improving on "Whack-a-Mole" Vulnerability Management

The need to prioritize vulnerability management (VM) is greater than ever as IT security teams become overwhelmed with trying to protect against every threat that pops up. Organizations that understand the varying risks across vulnerabilities can focus on resolving dangerous exploitation, and avoid wasting crucial time addressing insignificant ones.
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Rakuten Marketing on acquiring new customers through AI-powered, data-driven prospecting

Rakuten Marketing

In a recent InternetRetailing webinar, How to acquire unexpected new customers through AI-powered, data-driven prospecting, we heard from Dr Neal Richter, CTO at Rakuten Marketing. Here’s a bulletpoint overview of his presentation.
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Accelerate your research with AI

AI technologies can advance scientific research across disciplines, leading to significant social and economic benefits. In the digital age where vast amounts of data are scattered across systems, AI enables scientists and researchers to perform complex analyses faster and derive accurate insights seamlessly across departments and datasets.
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How to Ensure High-Performing Microsoft .NET Applications

eG Innovations

In today’s distributed application ecosystems, with various inter-dependencies and dynamic infrastructures, it is extremely challenging to detect and resolve application failures and performance slowdowns. This is especially true in a Microsoft .NET application stack. Developers, IT Operations Staffs and Site Reliability Engineers often get involved in long war room sessions to isolate the root cause of poor customer experience in the digital business service.
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Accelerate your machine learning and forecasting capability


Building one machine learning model is easy but data scientists are now having to deal with vast amounts of more data, and consider tens of machine learning algorithms in their bid to build their best model. Add this to the demand that organisations need more and more models to deliver accurate predictions - data scientists are under pressure to accelerate their model building capability.
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