As AI gains traction, organizations are realizing that only larger-scale, enterprise-wide deployments are likely to provide full access to the operational and economic benefits of these new technologies.
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Helping Flydubai take off with APIs and digital transformation

IATA estimates that by 2034 there will be 7.3 billion air passengers globally, which is twice more than what we have today. Alongside economic forces and passenger demands, pressure on the aviation and travel industry remains as intense as ever. Since launching in 2009, flydubai has strived to remove barriers to travel and enhance connectivity between different cultures. With 90 destinations in 44 countries, flydubai has embarked on a digital transformation journey to help enhance business agility, flexibility and the customer experience.
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Ensure AI Applications are Ethical and Well Governed


How you will guarantee AI’s responsible and ethical use? How will you use it for the good of your customers, without detrimental or subversive impacts on them or the markets in which you operate? And how will you use the data AI relies upon both ethically and in alignment with industry regulations? Do you already have the right governance frameworks, storage and security in place?
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Licensing Artificial Intelligence: Is it practical, critical or political?

At this month’s Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forum, MKAI enquires about top-down governance for safe, responsible, and ethical artificial intelligence. Specifically, we ask three questions: Is the licensing of artificial intelligence – Practical? Critical? Political? By licensing, MKAI refers to the concept of a ‘social license’, where an organization works openly with communities impacted by its actions to obtain their trust and acceptance.
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Turn Grand Designs into a Reality with Data Virtualization


What started to evolve as the most agile and real-time enterprise data fabric, data virtualization is proving to go beyond its initial promise and is becoming one of the most important enterprise big data fabrics.Attend this session to learn:What data virtualization really is,How it differs from other enterprise data integration technologies,Real-world examples of data virtualization in action from companies such as Logitech, Autodesk and Festo.
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