How Conversational AI can Turn Support Pain Points into Positive Customer Experiences

How Conversational AI can Turn Support
Product data is fragmented across marketplaces, websites and online stores. A typical online store receives product data from multiple sources in native file formats hence compromising the quality of product information shared with the end customers. Result: Incoherent product information available for shoppers across channels. In fact, this is directly reflected in the nature of the support queries brands face from their consumers.
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Leveraging Kubernetes Services & DNS


The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to associate IP addresses with meaningful names. By default, Kubernetes clusters configure internal DNS to provide for service discovery automatically. This makes it easy for workloads to locate and work with each other on Kubernetes clusters. In this webinar, learn: How DNS resolution works in Kubernetes with a network security solution like Tigera.
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MRI + Procore Integration


Is the MRI integration too good to be true? Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. Join us for this deep-dive into the MRI + Procore integration to get a full understanding of how this partnership could benefit your business, then see the product for yourself in a live demo. See how this integration: Enhances the benefits of best-in-class systems Creates one ecosystem for all of your project cost data Provides teams with technology that is purpose-built for them
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How to Leverage Conversational AI for ITSM?

Enterprise IT service desks are always under tremendous pressure in replying to or resolving a flood of services tickets, 72% of which are repetitive in nature such as Password Reset, software version issues, or unable to access systems. To make things worse, a simple Password Reset issue can have different workflow for different systems. Despite a certain level of automation in place and average 23% of IT budget spent on ITSM and ITOps, their performance remains an area of concern for COOs and CIOs.
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Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing: A Real-World Look

ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has taken the world by storm. Millions of people use it for fascinating purposes like generating song lyrics, new business ideas, and even webinar abstracts. Like ChatGPT, there are many other AI-based tools that are in the research and implementation stage, some already available for general use.
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