How AI is Changing the Dynamics of Fintech: Latest Tech Trends to Watch

From AI and ML models in fintech for underwriting to tech playing a role in collections and repayments, these disruptive developments in the fintech industry have resulted in a hiring surge for skilled professionals. How have new technologies impacted operations of fintech? How will this affect the fintech job market? What skillsets are in demand? The answers to these questions are vital to aspiring entrants to the financial services industry and to professionals in the industry who need to stay relevant over the long haul.
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Defending the Castle: Back to the Future using Isolated Networks


Air-gapped and isolated networks shine in certain cyber defense situations where very high levels of protection are required. Their main advantage is that they greatly reduce the attack surface and even make many attack types unfeasible. This webinar discusses air-gapped and isolated networks, their strengths and weaknesses, and covers one of the most critical defense measures that is required in isolated networks, the media security station or kiosk and discusses best practices in employing "kiosks" as a critical part of an isolated network defense strategy.
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Free Webinar on Career Transition into AI, Data Science and MLOps

If we look at the current trend in the market, it is very clear that every company is moving towards adopting AI, Data Science, and MLOps into their company process. Every company is looking for problem solvers. These technologies today are used to recognize people (face recognition), detecting a threat, building a robot, or making an autonomous car.
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Delivering Unmatched CX with Seamless Customer Journeys & Practical AI

Today, the path to winning and retaining customers requires a unique approach to customer service. But without the right data and tools, contact centers are unable to create memorable customer experiences.
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Making Application Mobility for Test/Dev Across VMware Infrastructure and Public Clouds a Reality


Enterprise organizations that are in the process of transforming their private VMware clouds into hybrid clouds are often presented with scenarios for making on-premises virtual machines, applications, and data readily usable in public clouds. Traditionally, achieving such tasks is not easy due to the migration and conversion of virtual machines and how it may impact application and data stored within them.
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