Cutting Edge Technology Solutions for Healthcare Deployments

Maasstad Hospital into one of the largest non-university hospitals in the Netherlands caring for more than 450,000 patients each year. The hospital provides a wide range of medical care in virtually every specialty and a number of clinical and special functions for complex care. Join this webinar to.
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Accelerate Innovation with the Databricks Unified Analytics Platform, powered by Apache Spark


Does this sound familiar: experiencing performance and productivity issues with your data science and data engineering efforts on Apache Spark™? Spending too much time managing your infrastructure instead of building machine-learning models, analytic apps, and data products? You are not alone.
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Achieving DevOps For The Database: Speed Without Disruption


As CI/CD and Agile become more widespread through not only development teams but also DevOps and AppDev teams, we host a tag-team discussion with Chris Lucca and Brady Byrd, who discuss:With the promise of continuous delivery, why database changes,need to a be part of the automated delivery process.
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AWS Developer Tools Live Lab Challenge

In this on-demand lab challenge, you will be guided through the AWS Developer Tools Challenge on Cloud Academy. Several tasks must be completed to complete the challenge using a continuous deployment stack built on AWS Developer Tools (CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, API Gateway, Lambda). The Lab Challenge simulates troubleshooting and performing updates in a real-world scenario.
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IoT: From the Enterprise to the Edge and Back


See and hear from internationally recognized IoT experts as they explain edge-to-enterprise and how it will impact you and your organization – in less than 30 minutes. We will discuss ways you can incorporate IoT data, helping you lead the charge when it comes to digital transformation
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