AI & Deep Learning for Vision Applications

Image based ML algorithms have been advancing exponentially, but manufacturing industries have been slow to adopt these new methods.  Supervised ML algorithms can be taught to perform inspections with less developer effort for certain classes of problems when compared to traditional methods, and will often work where traditional techniques are infeasible.  Advances in IIOT have reduced the cost of acquiring and labelling large datasets, situating manufacturing in a sweet-spot for leveraging ML.
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Explore the new features of Mule 3.4

Mule 3.4 introduces a host of new functionality and improvements aimed at allowing your business to run seamlessly both on-premise and in the cloud. We’ve simplified SaaS integration and API publishing capabilities, streamlined our enterprise grade runtime for scalability and performance and added enhanced data mapping and flow debugging to further improve developer productivity. Join Reza Shafii, Director of Product Management at MuleSoft, for a demonstration of these new features in action.
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How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Industry

Join Borys Ulanenko, Digital Transfer Pricing Category Lead and AI enthusiast, as he explores the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) presents for the tax profession in this informative webinar.
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Hyper V vs VMware: How to Choose the Right Hypervisor


Choosing a hypervisor is a difficult proposition. As major virtualization platforms become more commoditized and less differentiated, the technology you choose depends less on technical capabilities and more on the type and amount of IT resources you have available as well as your long-term strategic plans. Despite this apparent homogenization, not all hypervisors are created equal. And when it comes to IT planning and budgeting, you want to make sure you’re always getting the most out of your investment. Thus, it’s critical that you take the time to properly evaluate your options.
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Licensing Artificial Intelligence: Is it practical, critical or political?

At this month’s Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forum, MKAI enquires about top-down governance for safe, responsible, and ethical artificial intelligence. Specifically, we ask three questions: Is the licensing of artificial intelligence – Practical? Critical? Political? By licensing, MKAI refers to the concept of a ‘social license’, where an organization works openly with communities impacted by its actions to obtain their trust and acceptance.
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