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Juan Cruz Martinez

Founder of goto LCS UG, a company dedicated to helping people be their best in the tech world by providing free online resources to help them start in the tech world, find job opportunities, succeed on their interviews and be life long learners through a series of websites like Live Code Steam and LCS Jobs. I’m a self-taught developer with over 15 years of experience working on multiple projects, from corporate automation, technical architecture, IoT systems design, and blockchain technologies. I’m passionate about what I do, and I’m constantly learning new things. I work hard to bring back to the community the same opportunities I had in life.


Live Code Stream

Our mission empowers people to start a new career in tech, enter a new field, or to expand their knowledge in a specific subject. We are dedicated to produce high-quality content, from articles, videos, books to full courses, and to walk with you through the complete journey.

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