Innovation, Software, Future Tech

Understanding the Oracle APEX Application Development Lifecycle

October 21, 2022

Understanding the Oracle APEX Application Development Lifecycle
Oracle APEX is the world’s most popular low-code application platform for enterprise apps. It’s free to use with any Oracle database or database cloud service. Using a browser-based builder, you and your team create modern data-centric web apps that are reliable, scalable, and secure. End users access them with desktop or mobile browsers or install them like native apps in one click. Every day APEX developers the world over help each other succeed. They produce everything from small departmental apps done by one or two people, to complex, business critical systems engineered by a team of IT professionals.



Stefanini is a Brazilian multinational that operates in the IT services sector. According to the Dom Cabral Foundation, Stefanini, the fifth most internationalized company, operates in more than 35 countries and is among the 100 largest IT companies in the world (BBC News). One of the most important global providers of technology-based business solutions provides consulting, integration, solution development, BPO, Outsourcing for Applications and Infrastructure services, among other solutions.

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AI-driven Personalizationin Digital MediaPolitical and Societal Implications

whitePaper | December 6, 2019

Machine learning (ML)-driven personalization is fast expanding from social media to the wider information space, encompassing legacy media, multinational conglomerates and digital-native publishers: however, this is happening within a regulatory and oversight vacuum that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Mass-scale adoption of personalization in communication has serious implications for human rights, societal resilience and political security. Data protection, privacy and wrongful discrimination, as well as freedom of opinion and of expression, are some of the areas impacted by this technological transformation.

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A Blueprint for Equity and Inclusion in Artificial Intelligence

whitePaper | June 28, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been accelerating across sectors. It has great potential to benefit society but the technology’s full potential can only be realized if it includes the diversity of the populations it represents throughout every step of its development. With growing concerns about bias, data privacy and lack of representation, it is critical to re-evaluate the way in which AI is both designed and deployed to ensure that all affected stakeholders and communities reap the benefits of the technology, rather than any harm.

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Beyond the hype: A guide to understanding and successfully implementing artificial intelligence within your business

whitePaper | January 4, 2022

When people hear AI they often think about sentient robots and magic boxes. AI today is much more mundane and simple—but that doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Another misconception is that high-profile research projects can be applied directly to any business situation. AI done right can create extreme return on investments (ROIs)—for instance through automation or precise prediction. But it does take thought, time and proper implementation. We have seen that success and value generated by AI projects is increased when there is a grounded understanding and expectation of what the technology can deliver from the C-suite down.

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Automate Machine Learning with H2O DriverlessAI on Dell Infrastructure

whitePaper | June 22, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have revolutionized how organizations are using their data. Automated machine learning (AutoML) facilitates and improves the endto-end data science process. This process includes everything from preprocessing and cleaning the data, selecting and engineering appropriate features, tuning and optimizing the model, analyzing results, explaining and documenting the model, and of course, deploying it into production.

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Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights

whitePaper | October 26, 2022

The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People was published by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in October 2022. This framework was released one year after OSTP announced the launch of a process to develop “a bill of rights for an AI-powered world.” Its release follows a year of public engagement to inform this initiative. The framework is available online at:

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Deepwave Digital Creates an AI Enabled GPUReceiver for a Critical 5G Sensor

whitePaper | February 11, 2020

Deepwave Digital has leveraged the Artificial Intelligence Radio Transceiver (AIR-T) to create the first deep learning sensor for a 5G network. This network, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), will be the first spectrum sharing service provided by the telecommunications industry that leverages real time RF sensing. Critical to the operation of CBRS is the ability to determine if priority users are active on specific frequency channels. When no priority users are present, the spectrum may be reallocated for commercial networks to provide new enterprise services or additional bandwidth to existing services.

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Stefanini is a Brazilian multinational that operates in the IT services sector. According to the Dom Cabral Foundation, Stefanini, the fifth most internationalized company, operates in more than 35 countries and is among the 100 largest IT companies in the world (BBC News). One of the most important global providers of technology-based business solutions provides consulting, integration, solution development, BPO, Outsourcing for Applications and Infrastructure services, among other solutions.
