Scaling AI inManufacturing Operations:A Practitioners’ Perspective

January 8, 2020

AI in manufacturing is a game-changer. It has the potential to transform performance across the breadth and depth of manufacturing operations. However, the massive potential of this new Industrial 4.0 era will only be realized if manufacturers really focus their efforts on where AI can add most value and then drive the solutions to scale.



CPqD is an independent institution focused on innovation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The solutions developed by CPqD are used overseas and in Brazil by the country’s leading telecommunications service providers, financial companies, energy corporations, industrial and manufacturing companies and public administration companies. With more than 36 years of experience, CPqD employs more than 1,400 highly qualified and creative professionals, who are committed to advanced levels of quality and excellence. Today, CPqD has the largest and most important R&D program in Latin America in their segment, striving to make the country more competitive and advance digital inclusion, supplying the market with product technologies, mission-critical systems, technological and consulting services to increase business efficiency and across-the-board competitiveness of companies large and small, as well as leveraging entrepreneurship in Brazil.

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An Overview of AI Music Generation and its Potential

whitePaper | July 15, 2022

Today, the use cases for AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning are developing at a remarkable pace. We are beginning to see cases where AI is contributing to society through its implementation in systems and services that are in production and consumer-facing. These include the automation of nuanced decisions that until now could only be made by humans, thereby increasing the profitability of corporations, and increasing customer satisfaction through the personalization of services making them tailored for each user. In addition, important discussions have begun on the adverse effects such AI systems have on humans and the resulting ethical issues they can create.

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How End-to-End Testing is Evolving

whitePaper | May 31, 2022

End-to-End (E2E) testing has traditionally been seen as a ‘final frontier’ of sorts in software development.

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whitePaper | August 10, 2020

2020 has posed significant, unexpected challenges to the world – and to IT departments in most organizations. Work practices have shifted rapidly and, given the volatile economic climate, many organizations are looking to protect against uncertainty and ensure business continuity by implementing cost savings initiatives. As an IT leader, you and your team are uniquely positioned to deliver added value to the organization by leveraging Technology Intelligence data to find these additional cost savings opportunities.

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Green Mechanical

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

Since its inception in 1983, Green Mechanical has grown from 1 to 3 offices, taking on larger, more complex projects. However, success came with its own unique challenges. With employees spread across multiple cities and states, Green Mechanical built custom workflows for various systems to ensure collaborators had access to the information they needed. That meant employees had to keep track of multiple remote logins to complete simple tasks like printing job cost reports. Additionally, some employees used digital processes, while others used pen-and-paper. As a result, teams were often working off outdated information.

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whitePaper | July 20, 2020

Privileged access is the gateway to an organization’s most valuable assets and is at the core of nearly every major security breach. Organizations must have a strategy in place to manage and monitor privileged access, as well as detect and respond to threats if they’d like to mitigate risk from today’s advanced attacks. Your application stack and infrastructure is likely quite complex and it can be hard to identify which assets are the most sensitive. And there is a never-ending supply of vendors knocking down your door competing for your time and attention. These two realities make it increasingly difficult to identify which security project to tackle next. When thinking about how to prioritize, it is advantageous to take a step back and think about your businesses goals, albeit in a slightly different way: try to envision what you would be looking for if you were an external attacker or malicious insider looking to steal sensitive data, commit Ransomware, or use your infrastructure for illicit cryptomining.

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How APAC enterprises can scale up their AI initiatives

whitePaper | May 25, 2022

In the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has proved to be much more than just a buzzword, successfully redefining the way that businesses work. From finance to healthcare, various industries have shown tangible outcomes from using AI as a part of their solutions, reiterating the immense possibilities this technology can provide for the world.

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CPqD is an independent institution focused on innovation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The solutions developed by CPqD are used overseas and in Brazil by the country’s leading telecommunications service providers, financial companies, energy corporations, industrial and manufacturing companies and public administration companies. With more than 36 years of experience, CPqD employs more than 1,400 highly qualified and creative professionals, who are committed to advanced levels of quality and excellence. Today, CPqD has the largest and most important R&D program in Latin America in their segment, striving to make the country more competitive and advance digital inclusion, supplying the market with product technologies, mission-critical systems, technological and consulting services to increase business efficiency and across-the-board competitiveness of companies large and small, as well as leveraging entrepreneurship in Brazil.
