AI Tech, General AI, Machine Learning

AI/ML Annual Research Report 2022

September 20, 2022

AI/ML Annual Research Report 2022
Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) is on every organization’s radar. Businesses and IT professionals are finding some amazing use cases for AI/ML and already experiencing its benefits, but there’s still so much untapped and unrealized potential.


HCL Technologies

As a $6 billion bn global company and G2000 organization, HCL Technologies brings IT and engineering services expertise under one roof to solve complex business problems for its clients. Leveraging an extensive global offshore infrastructure and a network of offices in 31 countries, we provide holistic, multi-service delivery in such industries as financial services, manufacturing, consumer services, public services and healthcare.

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The Generative AI Revolution

whitePaper | May 12, 2023

Onward’s mission is to develop bold and practical ideas to boost economic opportunity, build national resilience, and strengthen communities across all parts of the United Kingdom. Our vision is to address the needs of the whole country: young and old, urban and rural, for all communities across the UK – particularly places that have too often felt neglected or ignored by Westminster. We believe in an optimistic conservatism that is truly national – one that recognises the value of markets, supported by a streamlined state that is active not absent. We are unapologetic about standing up to vested interests, putting power closer to people, and supporting the hardworking and aspirational.

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How APAC enterprises can scale up their AI initiatives

whitePaper | May 25, 2022

In the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has proved to be much more than just a buzzword, successfully redefining the way that businesses work. From finance to healthcare, various industries have shown tangible outcomes from using AI as a part of their solutions, reiterating the immense possibilities this technology can provide for the world.

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An Overview of AI Music Generation and its Potential

whitePaper | July 15, 2022

Today, the use cases for AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning are developing at a remarkable pace. We are beginning to see cases where AI is contributing to society through its implementation in systems and services that are in production and consumer-facing. These include the automation of nuanced decisions that until now could only be made by humans, thereby increasing the profitability of corporations, and increasing customer satisfaction through the personalization of services making them tailored for each user. In addition, important discussions have begun on the adverse effects such AI systems have on humans and the resulting ethical issues they can create.

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The Responsible AI Certification Program

whitePaper | June 29, 2022

The Responsible AI Institute (RAII) is developing one of the world’s first responsible AI certification programs. The RAII Certification Program is aligned with emerging global AI laws and regulations, internationally agreed-upon AI principles, research, emerging best practices, and human rights frameworks.

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Bringing Job Costing to the Field

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

In construction, we are often designing and constructing made-to-order assets, so there is immediately less certainty. We may be dealing with multiple projects for different people, with different schedules, and run by different project managers. Each will be in a different location, with different site footprints, different ground conditions, different access routes, etc. And, partly influenced by their locations, we are often dealing with different suppliers we might select local designers, subcontractors, plant, materials, and product suppliers based on their proximity to the site.

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Applying Artificial Intelligence to Built Environments through Machine Learning

whitePaper | January 5, 2020

Machine learning (ML) is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from exposure to more data without being explicitly programmed. ML focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.1 While AI represents the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in an intelligent way, machine learning is a current application of AI based on the idea that we can give machines access to data, and they can use that data to learn for themselves.

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HCL Technologies

As a $6 billion bn global company and G2000 organization, HCL Technologies brings IT and engineering services expertise under one roof to solve complex business problems for its clients. Leveraging an extensive global offshore infrastructure and a network of offices in 31 countries, we provide holistic, multi-service delivery in such industries as financial services, manufacturing, consumer services, public services and healthcare.
