Q&A with Ginger Shimp, Senior Marketing Director at SAP

Ginger Shimp, Senior Marketing Director at SAP, is an award-winning marketer with 25+ years’ B2B experience. Since 2004, she has helped companies in myriad industries run better by telling, not only the SAP story but the stories of her customers and their customers. Developing content, engaging channels, deploying tactics to educate, stimulate interest and drive demand: Marketing isn’t just what she does, but defines who she is!

MEDIA 7: You have been associated with SAP for more than 17 years. How has the journey been like?
I love where I work. SAP employs some of the most phenomenal marketers, and the opportunity to work with them on a daily basis is energizing and inspiring.

When we’re young and just beginning our careers, it can be soul-crushing to hear a potential supervisor say we’re not a good “fit”. We don’t fully appreciate the implication of that sentiment. But as we mature and have the experience working in a variety of roles for myriad employers, we realize how crucial “fit” is.

We spend one-third of our lives, one-half of our waking hours, five days per week at work. It’s very important that we like where we work. I have learned to approach my work with a philosophy that I want others to want to work with me. Of course, I don’t get this right 100% of the time, but it’s what I aim for. Even if I don’t care for them personally or really dislike working with them, I try to keep in mind that I don’t want them to have that impression of me.

Fortunately, at SAP, those times are extremely rare. Our people, our culture, and of course our customers, are simply extraordinary. I believe in our products and services. I have faith in, and respect for, and admiration for our customers. At SAP, we don’t just sell software, we improve people’s lives. SAP customers represent 98% of the top 100 most valued brands in the world. Did you know that SAP customers:

-produce more than 78% of the world’s food, more than 85% of the world’s pet food, and more than 62% of the world’s movies;
-represent 100% of the world’s top 20 greenest automotive companies and 100% of the world’s top 15 greenest IT software and services providers;
-distribute more than 76% of the world’s healthcare products?

That’s an awesome responsibility, a humbling privilege, and one heck of an exciting journey. I love my job!

M7: In all these years, what are some of the most effective marketing strategies that you have put in place, which have helped you to drive revenue?
Definitely an integrated strategy will win out over a random act of marketing every time. That’s not to say we shouldn’t experiment with tactics. For example, I worked with a colleague, Jeff Janiszewski, several years ago to develop an audio drama called Searching for Salaì as a means of using real storytelling techniques to gain the attention of a business audience who perhaps hadn’t really paid attention to SAP previously. We had tremendous success with that.

So last year another colleague, Julie Stoughton, and I asked ourselves how we could use that tactic and build upon the prior success. What we wound up with was another audio drama but one that had even more business structure to it, The Retrofuturist Chronicles. Listeners who enjoy the show head over to our landing site — www.inspirethefuture.com — and read the blogs, which not only continue the experience but also build an elegant bridge to SAP products and solutions. They get immersed with everything from animated videos that talk about business pains through the eyes of a child to in-depth white papers. My colleague Aswin Mannepalli did a masterful job concepting and scripting the 30-second videos which allow visitors to determine which business pains are a fit for them. (There’s that word “fit” again.) In fact, the whole team has poured their hearts and souls into the effort, which all began with one of our VP’s, Michelle Schooff, thinking about how her little nephews approached the pandemic versus the messages that were flooding our inboxes. I love how we were able to take previous tactics that had worked well, experiment with new ideas, and blend them all to create a solidly integrated and extraordinarily compelling campaign.

We launched this campaign for six industries and our results exceeded not only our stated expectations but also our most fervent hopes. We’re currently developing season two and not only will we add another eight industries, but we’ll also look to see what else we can do to rise above the noise in the marketplace while delivering value to our customers and prospects.

Another tactic I am using on a different campaign also came about from brainstorming with Jeff at around the same time we developed the audio drama. This one was far more untried; in fact, we couldn’t find any other example of it. While Searching for Salaì involved our taking an existing tactic — the audio drama — and tuning it for a business purpose, this other tactic came about from our own experiences. We call them audio whitepapers. We were researching how whitepapers are still one of the most valued offers in a B2B marketer’s arsenal yet how difficult it is to get senior executives to read one. We asked ourselves about our reading habits and somewhere in the conversation, Jeff and I got to talking about the types of books we read versus the ones we listen to. Turned out we both listen to non-fiction. We talked about how we listen on our phones while traveling and/or exercising. We talked about smart speakers. And suddenly, we had this crazy idea. So back we went to researching. We discovered (at that time):

-CEG research found 49% of the nearly 500 CEOs surveyed say they download white papers.
-An IDG survey of IT professionals found that 72% of respondents stated that they found that white papers were extremely useful in their decision-making process.
-A Harvard Business Review study confirmed that senior executives are incredibly time-crunched.
-Edison Research revealed that Americans spend nearly four hours per day consuming audio and 44% of them have listened to an audiobook.
-18% of Americans own a smart speaker, and 71% listen to more audio once they purchase one.

So, we asked ourselves: How can we use this audio trend to increase our total market AND increase our hit rate with senior executives?
We started to connect the dots among the points above and the thought hit us ― audio white papers … white papers delivered in audiobook format.

First, we engaged an analyst firm to position our message to 15 industries via white papers, framing the unique benefits including use cases and customer stories.

Next, we hired a professional voice-over artist to record the papers in the form of an audiobook.
Finally, since this had never been done before, we blazed our trail by posting them as videos on YouTube (unlisted so they wouldn’t come up in search results) with chapter indexes to allow listeners to skip around. Then we promoted them on a landing page which required registration. We knew that registered listeners could distribute the link to others who could subsequently access them sans registration, but it was a good start.

Overall, we overshot our goal, delivering 144% of the plan by the end of the year.

-21% of listeners were C-Suite level
-55% of listeners were VP level
-24% of listeners were Director level
-34% of listeners were from companies with revenue < $500M
-19% of listeners were from companies with revenue between $500M and $1B
-47% of listeners were from companies with revenue >$1B

To emphasize the point I made at the beginning, you have to have an integrated strategy. These audio whitepapers were a significant contributor to an overall integrated campaign:
-9.16% average open rate on whitepaper emails
->18.8K total whitepaper downloads on a goal of 10,000
->33K total engagements on a goal of 20K
->234K blog views on a goal of 100K
28% cross-industry share of voice on a goal of 21%
-~4.5K blog referrals
-Lead volume %YoY = an increase of 630%
-Marketing new pipe value %YoY = an increase of 65%

It’s an exciting time to be in marketing. Web events will continue to play a strong role and we need to rise above the noise.

M7: Given SAP’s target customers, what marketing channels do you use, and which ones do you see as the most promising?
I could have answered this question so much more easily a year ago but 2020 has forced us to rethink. However, I am a firm believer in audio. I still love video, but I think we’re all getting a bit fatigued with it. If I had to bet, I’d bet on smart speakers becoming a very intriguing tool in the B2B marketer’s toolbox so I would look for unique ways to integrate sound. There’s such an emotional connection to be had when you can hear the passion and the enthusiasm in someone’s voice versus merely reading words in print. And I’m an inveterate reader, so for me to opine in this way … well, I must really believe.

M7: How do you target content to your audience, and what are the challenges that you face while producing effective content?
The best thing about marketing technology is we never have to fear an overwhelming sense of ennui while working. We always have something to learn, something new to try.

What’s more, digital transformation is all around us. The Internet of Things enables us to connect to and follow almost any device or asset. Connected networks and in-memory platforms provide immediate access to a stunning range of data. Business processes can be harmonized across all functions and departments. You can respond at the moment. Because you are armed with real-time insight into your most pressing questions. Digital transformation is about how technology profoundly improves the performance and impact of businesses.

Digital transformation is no longer a question of when, but one of how fast. So we marketers must adapt to this business environment at an amazing pace. One that leaves us breathless. And we’re not always funded to achieve the results that our teams expect of us, so we have to get creative. Fast.

I’ve found that the key is to get the seminal asset created, quickly and cost-effectively. This is the motherload of information and we always keep this behind a gate; no one gets it for free. It could be a whitepaper or a video or a microsite, etc.
Once we have this created, we run it through something I’ve termed a Digital Chop Shop©, creating derivative pieces as fast as the speed of thought, each one tuned to how different target audiences like to consume information.

These derivative pieces will be the first things that our prospects see and that’s why I say we start at the end — with the whitepaper for example — and then work backward to create the remaining content.
Let me give you an example from our 2016 Live Industries campaign:
We began with a seminal piece of content that was laden with a valuable insight: SAP’s CEO and Chief Transformation Officer co-authored a white paper on value creation in a digital economy. This became our starting point.

First, we versioned that single white paper into 25 industry-specific assets. Next, we created 10-20 blogs, 2 infographics, 5 tweet cards, and podcasts, videos, and webinars from each industry paper.
Working with our industry sales team, who were a tour-de-force in their own right, we created pitch decks to explain SAP’s Digital Transformation story to each industry, a “TED Talk” video, a one-page summary, 25 industry-specific whiteboards to train the sales team on how to pitch the pitch (on a whiteboard), and 25 value surveys to see where people were in their digital journey.

Thus, our single white paper spawned over 650 snackable, socially sharable, digitally native content pieces. But we didn’t stop there. Because we knew we had to connect with prospects who had never had a relationship with SAP, we had to establish ourselves quite firmly as thought leaders. The key to this was begun in 2013 when SAP started openSAP, an Enterprise MOOC platform for massive open online courses (MOOC), hosted at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, and provided to the public free of charge. While the MOOC concept is already quite popular in academia, SAP is one of the first companies to adopt it for business-related training purposes. We worked with openSAP to develop separate sets of courses focused on digital transformation and tailored for IT Users, IT Leaders, and Business Leaders.

Our marketing team uniquely activated each industry with a full complement of industry-specific whitepapers, videos, infographics, blogs, surveys, presentations, MOOCs, email and social promotions, and more, all housed within unique industry-specific online hubs.
And as you can see, we had something for those who like to read, listen, talk, look at pictures, interact, etc.

Say “no” when we know we can’t. And then our teams will trust us even when we need to integrate our personal lives into our work lives.

M7: What do you believe are the top three product marketing challenges in the post COVID-19 era?
In no particular order:
Without a doubt finding a way to build relationships. We’re particularly challenged currently at replacing in-person events. Getting that going will require time to think and reflect on how to do events. I’ve banned the terms “unprecedented” and “new normal” from my marketing because they’ve become so overused but you get the idea. It’s an exciting time to be in marketing. My team is currently working on a strategy so that we’re not mindlessly doing one web event after another. Web events will continue to play a strong role but as I’ve said before, we need to rise above the noise.

What’s more, direct mail has been hampered because people were not going into their offices. My opinion is that there will be a role for direct mail post-COVID-19, but this is our opportunity to do something fresh.
Additionally, we marketers have been focused on storytelling for quite some time, but few people take the time to truly understand the basics of story structure. We hear “make the customer the hero” and we don’t question that. Yet it’s absurd. At the heart of the story, the structure is the concept of pity-fear-catharsis … how we transition along that path.

The old standard was: Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy gets girl back.
In our case, we need to care about our heroes and their struggles so that we pity them. We sympathize with them. At times we even empathize with them. Then we fear for them. We need to be concerned about whether they will be able to resolve their business pains. Finally, we need to celebrate their victories and want to share their successes with others. Or perhaps commiserate their downfall and strategize how to recover. We’ve got to become master storytellers for our messages to resonate with our intended audiences.

I am a firm believer in audio. I still love video, but I think we’re all getting a bit fatigued with it. There’s such an emotional connection to be had when you can hear the passion and the enthusiasm in someone’s voice versus merely reading words in print.

M7: You are an avid writer and extremely active on social media. What is your secret to maintaining a healthy balance between your personal and professional life?
There is no such thing as work-life balance. Hasn’t been for many, many years. And this pandemic has only shown a very bright light on that fact. What we have is a work-life blend. If I need to visit my dentist to get my teeth cleaned at 10am on a Tuesday, I schedule it. If I need to run to the grocery store between meetings on any given day in order to get dinner ready, I do it. But then I will likely also be online for a couple hours at 9pm, or over the weekend. One of the first things I do in the mornings is to check my email and respond to anything that came in overnight. I always have my phone with me so I’m completely accessible but in all my years, I’ve never once encountered a marketing emergency. It’s a myth. At best, it’s like the sighting of a rare wildebeest. At worst, it’s like an imaginary unicorn.

We need to quit beating ourselves up about this. We need to manage our reputations, do what we commit to do. Say “no” when we know we can’t. And then our teams will trust us even when we need to integrate our personal lives into our work lives. As I mentioned earlier, we spend one-third of our lives, one-half of our waking hours, five days per week at work. And we’re constantly trying to connect on a “human” level. So this is a fact of life.
So no: there’s no balance; there’s a blend.

M7: What is the marketing mantra that you swear by? Any advice for budding marketers?
I have a couple of quotes on my bulleting board and I think it’s obvious why they appeal to me.
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
—  Arthur Ashe
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
—  MC Escher
Taken together: Don’t wait for “perfect” but also keep striving to rise above the status quo.


SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software, helping companies of all sizes and in all industries run at their best: 77% of the world’s transaction revenue touches an SAP® system. Our machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics technologies help turn customers’ businesses into intelligent enterprises. SAP helps give people and organizations deep business insight and fosters collaboration that helps them stay ahead of their competition. We simplify technology for companies so they can consume our software the way they want – without disruption. Our end-to-end suite of applications and services enable more than 437,000 business and public customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and make a difference. With a global network of customers, partners, employees, and thought leaders, SAP helps the world run better and improve people’s lives. For more information, visit www.sap.com.


Q&A with Bibhakar Pandey, Vice President & Leader of Customer Experience, Marketing Services at Capgemini

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Bibhakar Pandey, Vice President & Leader of Customer Experience, Marketing Services at Capgemini, is a dynamic leader with more than 25 years of industry experience leading global, multi-cultural experience teams across North America, Europe, and APAC. Bibhakar has built a career on achieving year-on-year success in driving business-growth objectives and empowering organizations to address challenging business needs through the application of cloud, mobile, content, commerce, analytics, and social technologies. He has built teams with lean and agile cultures and employed new and emerging digital technologies. He has been an enterprising leader, mentor, and coach, driving continuous performance excellence within his team. He has successfully incubated and scaled businesses including marketing services and interactive and digital engineering....

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'Marketing has become multi-dimensional,' says Anirudh Sharma Marketing Director at Trantor

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Q&A with Bibhakar Pandey, Vice President & Leader of Customer Experience, Marketing Services at Capgemini

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Bibhakar Pandey, Vice President & Leader of Customer Experience, Marketing Services at Capgemini, is a dynamic leader with more than 25 years of industry experience leading global, multi-cultural experience teams across North America, Europe, and APAC. Bibhakar has built a career on achieving year-on-year success in driving business-growth objectives and empowering organizations to address challenging business needs through the application of cloud, mobile, content, commerce, analytics, and social technologies. He has built teams with lean and agile cultures and employed new and emerging digital technologies. He has been an enterprising leader, mentor, and coach, driving continuous performance excellence within his team. He has successfully incubated and scaled businesses including marketing services and interactive and digital engineering....

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IDC fosters an action-oriented 'Let's try it attitude,' says Ronita Bhattacharjee

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Ronita Bhattacharjee, Vice President, META Region, Conferences at IDC in this insightful conversation shares with us the vision, mission and principles which IDC stands for. She also throws light on the importance of market research, and the varied changes, and challenges of marketing resulting from digitalization. Read on to find out about the most-awaited IDC Middle East CIO Summit 2022....

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'Marketing has become multi-dimensional,' says Anirudh Sharma Marketing Director at Trantor

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New SysAid Copilot counters ineffective chatbot deployments with next-gen, generative AI-powered IT Service Management

SysAid | January 12, 2024

SysAid, a leading provider of IT and Enterprise Service Management solutions, proudly announces the commencement of an exciting new chapter with the commercial release of SysAid Copilot, designed to liberate organizations by putting AI to work, for them and their people. At the core of SysAid Copilot is the AI Chatbot for End Users delivering always-on, 24/7 service. This conversational self-service experience uses generative AI to help employees work through issues by delivering answers, utilizing the organization's data, from knowledge base articles through ticket resolution history – as well as verified external data sources, links, and documents. Combating ineffective virtual agent deployment According to Gartner, "Staffing an IT service desk is difficult and a considerable expense. Long phone queues and abandoned calls are not uncommon. Yet, many I&O leaders have experienced issues with the implementation and adoption of virtual support agents, which are aimed at alleviating some of these challenges." One of the main factors attributed to these issues is that initial deployments of chatbots were ineffective[1]. With no code zero setup required, SysAid Copilot comes with a feature set designed to counter the potential pitfalls arising from sub-optimal deployment of traditional virtual support agents. The AI Usage Dashboard clearly reflects the value provided to both admins and end users through usage of SysAid Copilot features. For example, adoption of the AI Chatbot for End Users and Assistive AI features for admins. It also offers insights into AI-contained issues, indicating the rate at which problems were automatically resolved by SysAid Copilot using the organization's data and averting the need for ticket creation. 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Increasing productivity SysAid Copilot leverages cutting-edge generative AI technology, elevating admins to play a strategic role in the organization and improving IT productivity by over 20%. "The release of SysAid Copilot is a momentous milestone in our quest to lead organizations on a transformative journey toward AI-driven organizational processes and excellence," said Avi Kedmi, SysAid CEO. "Tapping into specialized data accumulated from thousands of customers and millions of users, SysAid Copilot enables employees to enjoy a fully conversational experience, freeing up admins to focus on more strategic work and become the catalyst for organizational productivity. SysAid Copilot orchestrates service management across the organization, embodying our commitment to infusing intelligence and ease into the workday, reshaping the landscape of service management. 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In parallel, AI Case Summarization provides admins with a real-time summarization of the ticket content and employee sentiment (AI Emotion) so admins can understand the context, history, and end-user sentiment at a glance. "SysAid Copilot has helped our organization a great deal in providing support quicker. Since our department is oftentimes understaffed, wait times are higher than normal, and with SysAid Copilot we've witnessed those wait times plummeting," said Nathan Gleed, IT at the City of St George. "One of the most amazing aspects of this new technology is its continual learning, consistently improving performance and generating more accurate and sophisticated output." About SysAid SysAid is on a mission to liberate organizations by putting AI to work for them and their people. We orchestrate service management across organizations with generative AI that taps into specialized data accumulated from thousands of customers and millions of users. 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Zendesk signs definitive agreement to acquire Klaus

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Zendesk today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Klaus, the industry leading AI-powered quality management platform. AI is driving a rapid increase in customer interactions and radically transforming the world of customer service. Customer service teams are being asked to increase their ROI by managing a rising volume of interactions while providing quality service, and increasing their organization's efficiency in the process. With Klaus, Zendesk customers will be able to deliver consistent, high quality service across every channel and across both human and digital agents (bots) – all while unlocking the power of everyday customer interactions to increase loyalty. "As AI drives up the speed and frequency of customer engagement, only AI-powered quality assurance (QA) can keep up as companies work to identify and fix gaps in their customer service operations," said Adrian McDermott, chief technology officer, Zendesk. "The combination of Zendesk AI and Klaus' capabilities will help businesses navigate greater complexity and volume and ensure both digital and human agents deliver highly personal and empathetic service." "Zendesk and Klaus share a vision of AI-led, personalized CX with businesses fully anticipating and acting on their customers' needs," said Martin Kõiva, CEO and founder, Klaus. "QA software plays a critical role in this, ensuring consistency, assessing both human and digital agent performance and providing actionable insights for strategic planning. As part of Zendesk, we will continue to build and deliver these crucial capabilities, but now at an even greater scale." With digital agents resolving more service inquiries without human interaction, having a QA solution that analyzes both human and digital agent performance is crucial to maintaining quality control and providing best-in-class customer service. While most QA software is capable of only scoring 1 to 2 percent of interactions and cannot recognize systemic trends, Klaus' AI scores 100 percent of customer support interactions. It pinpoints conversations with positive or negative sentiment, identifies outliers, churn risk, escalations and follow-ups across all conversations – even those done by digital agents or outsourced teams. Klaus spots knowledge gaps and coaching opportunities that can be used to improve agent performance and productivity, all of which results in higher customer satisfaction. WEM is a critical capability for today's customer service leaders. The acquisition of Klaus will be the latest addition to the company's existing workforce engagement management (WEM) solutions which includes Tymeshift, a modern workforce management tool built exclusively for Zendesk. The company acquired Tymeshift in June 2023. The acquisition of Klaus is anticipated to close in the first quarter of 2024 upon receipt of required regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. About Zendesk Zendesk is on a mission to simplify the complexity of business and make it easy for companies and customers to create connections. Our customer experience software unlocks the power of billions of interactions, enabling businesses to build rich, meaningful relationships with their customers. The company was conceived in Copenhagen, Denmark and today operates in more than 20 countries around the world. About Klaus Klaus is an AI-powered quality management platform that helps companies drive revenue through excellent customer service. Headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, Klaus was founded in 2018 by Martin Kõiva, Kair Käsper and Egon Sale and has nearly 100 employees.

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Lynx Software Technologies Announces Acquisition of Thompson Software Solutions

Lynx Software Technologies | January 10, 2024

Lynx Software Technologies (Lynx), a leader in the development of foundational, open architecture software solutions for the Mission Critical Edge, today announced the acquisition of Thompson Software Solutions, LLC. (TSS), a provider of software development, engineering, and integration solutions to mission-critical aerospace and defense (A&D) platforms, spanning military and commercial fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, commercial space flight, hypersonic platforms, and command-and-control systems. Its customers include the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), prime integrators, A&D original equipment manufacturers, and commercial space companies. Since its founding in 2004, TSS has delivered technical capabilities and strategic insights to enable innovative software products requiring the highest reliability, security, and performance standards. With expertise spanning high-integrity software architecture and development, DevSecOps, cybersecurity, airworthiness certifications, open systems architecture, simulation and training, and AI and machine learning, customers across the A&D end-markets rely upon TSS to provide strategic guidance, differentiated technical capabilities, and a deep understanding of mission requirements. TSS’s Chief Executive Officer, Les Thompson, and Chief Strategy Officer, Patrick McClellen, have taken on senior roles within Lynx following the close of the transaction. The combination of Lynx and TSS creates a scaled provider of mission-critical software solutions for customers with complex interoperability, safety, and security challenges. Lynx’s foundational software products, open-source expertise, productivity- and security-enhancing development tools, highly technical software engineering services, delivered via both professional and managed services business models, and its highly skilled and security-cleared employee base combine to create a platform company uniquely positioned to support the full software development lifecycle for clients in aerospace, defense, and other heavily regulated end-markets. “The TSS team has built the company on a solid foundation of trusted customer relationships, innovative and cutting-edge technical capabilities, and flawless execution. With TSS’s high-value and differentiated software development and integration capabilities, we will be better equipped to enable aerospace and defense OEMs and prime integrators to accelerate the design, development, and deployment of their products and platforms,” commented Tim Reed, Chief Executive Officer of Lynx. “As we end 2023, Lynx’s portfolio of solutions spans from the operating system to the application layer, certifiable real-time, to general purpose and open-source, and from commercial-off-the-shelf (“COTS”) to government-off-the-shelf (“GOTS”) software products. I’m thrilled to work with Les and the TSS team as we continue delivering comprehensive and unique software-enabled solutions to customers whose needs extend from the development pipeline to the Mission Critical Edge.” “Throughout my twenty years leading TSS, we’ve been consistently committed to delivering robust software solutions that meet the stringent requirements of our customers while ensuring they can stay on schedule and budget,” commented Les Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of TSS. “From our first discussions with Tim and the Lynx team, it became clear that Lynx is not just a vendor looking to push products but a committed, mission-oriented partner with the same objectives we have here at TSS, which includes continuing to deliver on our shared goal of providing resilient, secure, and performant software solutions targeted at the most demanding mission-critical environments.” “The combination of Lynx and TSS creates a software solutions platform placed at the center of priority aerospace and defense investment areas, notably open standards, modularity, and security. Like TSS, Lynx has an established track record of exceeding customer expectations with its innovation, performance, and value proposition. As a combined company, Lynx and TSS are well-positioned to grow as our clients continue to execute on the software modernization, integration, and development priorities,” commented Patrick McClellen, Chief Strategy Officer of TSS. About Lynx Software Technologies Lynx Software Technologies is on a mission to improve the economics of developing, deploying, and maintaining high-assurance Mission Critical Edge platforms with modular software solutions based on open standards. Our proven technology leadership, extensive system certification expertise, and commitment to open standards have consistently saved our customers millions of dollars in development costs while delivering desired system performance, security, and reliability on schedule. Lynx is committed to enabling customers to build and manage orchestrated, cloud-connected platforms that harness a broad array of modern technologies and unique design methodologies to enable accurate, deterministic decisions at the Mission Critical Edge without compromising safety or cybersecurity requirements. For more information, visit www.lynx.com. About Thompson Software Solutions Founded in 2004 with locations in Atlanta, GA and Fort Worth, TX, the Thompson Software Solutions team understands what is required to develop, integrate, test, and deploy software with a safety-critical pedigree while meeting the challenges of modernization and digital transformation. Our team of proven and dedicated employees takes pride in our ability to react quickly and produce quality solutions to difficult technical challenges. We work with partners to find the right path to meet operational needs while future-proofing systems with portability and sustainment considerations to ensure next-generation success. For more information, visit https://www.thompsonsoftwaresolutions.com. About OceanSound Partners OceanSound Partners is a New York-based private equity firm that pursues control investments in technology and technology-enabled services companies serving government and enterprise end markets. OceanSound employs a partnership approach, working closely with founders, entrepreneurs, and executives of middle market businesses to drive transformational growth. For more information, visit www.oceansoundpartners.com.

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General AI

New SysAid Copilot counters ineffective chatbot deployments with next-gen, generative AI-powered IT Service Management

SysAid | January 12, 2024

SysAid, a leading provider of IT and Enterprise Service Management solutions, proudly announces the commencement of an exciting new chapter with the commercial release of SysAid Copilot, designed to liberate organizations by putting AI to work, for them and their people. At the core of SysAid Copilot is the AI Chatbot for End Users delivering always-on, 24/7 service. This conversational self-service experience uses generative AI to help employees work through issues by delivering answers, utilizing the organization's data, from knowledge base articles through ticket resolution history – as well as verified external data sources, links, and documents. Combating ineffective virtual agent deployment According to Gartner, "Staffing an IT service desk is difficult and a considerable expense. Long phone queues and abandoned calls are not uncommon. Yet, many I&O leaders have experienced issues with the implementation and adoption of virtual support agents, which are aimed at alleviating some of these challenges." One of the main factors attributed to these issues is that initial deployments of chatbots were ineffective[1]. With no code zero setup required, SysAid Copilot comes with a feature set designed to counter the potential pitfalls arising from sub-optimal deployment of traditional virtual support agents. The AI Usage Dashboard clearly reflects the value provided to both admins and end users through usage of SysAid Copilot features. For example, adoption of the AI Chatbot for End Users and Assistive AI features for admins. It also offers insights into AI-contained issues, indicating the rate at which problems were automatically resolved by SysAid Copilot using the organization's data and averting the need for ticket creation. In parallel, admins maintain ultimate control over the quality of responses with the ability to monitor, edit, and fine-tune answers provided by the AI Chatbot enabled by a Monitor and Fine-Tune feature. AI Author enables the provision of consistently professional service by rephrasing replies, elaborating on answers, and breaking down information into simple steps with responses that are comprehensible and accessible for employees. This also exempts admins from the need to grapple with wording and grammar. Embedded into the channels that employees already use, SysAid Copilot facilitates quick adoption within the organization. For example, employees get service in a single click from the AI Chatbot (one-click ticket creation) or automatically via the AI Emailbot, delivering an immediate response even before an admin sees the ticket. Increasing productivity SysAid Copilot leverages cutting-edge generative AI technology, elevating admins to play a strategic role in the organization and improving IT productivity by over 20%. "The release of SysAid Copilot is a momentous milestone in our quest to lead organizations on a transformative journey toward AI-driven organizational processes and excellence," said Avi Kedmi, SysAid CEO. "Tapping into specialized data accumulated from thousands of customers and millions of users, SysAid Copilot enables employees to enjoy a fully conversational experience, freeing up admins to focus on more strategic work and become the catalyst for organizational productivity. SysAid Copilot orchestrates service management across the organization, embodying our commitment to infusing intelligence and ease into the workday, reshaping the landscape of service management. And this is only the beginning, as our dynamic roadmap promises a steady stream of groundbreaking features and capabilities ahead, ensuring the success of our customers." The General Availability of SysAid Copilot follows a 5-month design partner and beta program in which a diverse and engaged group of active customers played a pivotal role in refining and enhancing the product. The dedication and enthusiasm of the beta partners have been instrumental in shaping the product and ensuring that it is finely tuned to address the unique needs of SysAid's customer community, not only meeting but exceeding their expectations. Enhancing CSAT scores and slashing MTTR SysAid Copilot includes AI Intelligent Categorization automatically categorizing tickets submitted via the AI Chatbot for End Users and routes to the right people while making suggestions for more appropriate categories for tickets that come in through other channels, reducing human error in ticket categorizations by ~40%. In parallel, AI Case Summarization provides admins with a real-time summarization of the ticket content and employee sentiment (AI Emotion) so admins can understand the context, history, and end-user sentiment at a glance. "SysAid Copilot has helped our organization a great deal in providing support quicker. Since our department is oftentimes understaffed, wait times are higher than normal, and with SysAid Copilot we've witnessed those wait times plummeting," said Nathan Gleed, IT at the City of St George. "One of the most amazing aspects of this new technology is its continual learning, consistently improving performance and generating more accurate and sophisticated output." About SysAid SysAid is on a mission to liberate organizations by putting AI to work for them and their people. We orchestrate service management across organizations with generative AI that taps into specialized data accumulated from thousands of customers and millions of users. With zero setup requirements, our conversational AI manages employees' requests, assists with queries, and accelerates the resolution of issues. With intelligence and ease infused into the workday, productivity thrives so that employees can focus on what they're meant to do, and organizations are free to fulfill their purpose. With over 5,000 customers, SysAid partners with organizations ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises across 140 countries. For more information, please visit www.sysaid.com

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Future Tech

Zendesk signs definitive agreement to acquire Klaus

Zendesk | January 08, 2024

Zendesk today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Klaus, the industry leading AI-powered quality management platform. AI is driving a rapid increase in customer interactions and radically transforming the world of customer service. Customer service teams are being asked to increase their ROI by managing a rising volume of interactions while providing quality service, and increasing their organization's efficiency in the process. With Klaus, Zendesk customers will be able to deliver consistent, high quality service across every channel and across both human and digital agents (bots) – all while unlocking the power of everyday customer interactions to increase loyalty. "As AI drives up the speed and frequency of customer engagement, only AI-powered quality assurance (QA) can keep up as companies work to identify and fix gaps in their customer service operations," said Adrian McDermott, chief technology officer, Zendesk. "The combination of Zendesk AI and Klaus' capabilities will help businesses navigate greater complexity and volume and ensure both digital and human agents deliver highly personal and empathetic service." "Zendesk and Klaus share a vision of AI-led, personalized CX with businesses fully anticipating and acting on their customers' needs," said Martin Kõiva, CEO and founder, Klaus. "QA software plays a critical role in this, ensuring consistency, assessing both human and digital agent performance and providing actionable insights for strategic planning. As part of Zendesk, we will continue to build and deliver these crucial capabilities, but now at an even greater scale." With digital agents resolving more service inquiries without human interaction, having a QA solution that analyzes both human and digital agent performance is crucial to maintaining quality control and providing best-in-class customer service. While most QA software is capable of only scoring 1 to 2 percent of interactions and cannot recognize systemic trends, Klaus' AI scores 100 percent of customer support interactions. It pinpoints conversations with positive or negative sentiment, identifies outliers, churn risk, escalations and follow-ups across all conversations – even those done by digital agents or outsourced teams. Klaus spots knowledge gaps and coaching opportunities that can be used to improve agent performance and productivity, all of which results in higher customer satisfaction. WEM is a critical capability for today's customer service leaders. The acquisition of Klaus will be the latest addition to the company's existing workforce engagement management (WEM) solutions which includes Tymeshift, a modern workforce management tool built exclusively for Zendesk. The company acquired Tymeshift in June 2023. The acquisition of Klaus is anticipated to close in the first quarter of 2024 upon receipt of required regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions. About Zendesk Zendesk is on a mission to simplify the complexity of business and make it easy for companies and customers to create connections. Our customer experience software unlocks the power of billions of interactions, enabling businesses to build rich, meaningful relationships with their customers. The company was conceived in Copenhagen, Denmark and today operates in more than 20 countries around the world. About Klaus Klaus is an AI-powered quality management platform that helps companies drive revenue through excellent customer service. Headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, Klaus was founded in 2018 by Martin Kõiva, Kair Käsper and Egon Sale and has nearly 100 employees.

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SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software, helping companies of all sizes and in all industries run at their best: 77% of the world’s transaction revenue touches an SAP system. Our machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics technologies help turn customers’ ...

